Home 100 days of Japanese

100 days of Japanese

100 Days of Japanese Challenge

Many bad things happened to me this year so far, and I started to be depressed and procrastinated a LOT, I would use my free time to just read useless stuff, watch videos just so time passes faster and faster, that is a horrible way to use your time…

I wanted to use this free time I had to do something productive, learn skills and basically use it wisely on things that will help me get better personally or help me get a good job.

After being inspired by hundreds of blogs about the 100 days of X, and since currently I have exactly 200 days until new year. I’ll try to do two challenges, and post about all of it.

For my first challenge it will be 100 days of Japanese.

The guidelines for this challenge will be:

  • Studying the mornings, at least 2 hours.
    • Anki (Kanji)
    • Genki (Grammar). Will try 1 Lesson daily, on heavy ones probably 2 days per lesson, so basically i would be able to finish Genki 1 and Genki 2 by the end of the challenge.
  • Read articles on NHK Easy Japanese.
  • Test my knowledge trying to create phrases using what I learned so far.
  • Create a blog daily with everything I learned.
  • I can use anything, and any method to learn.

Everything should take around 2.5 - 3 hours, i’ll try to do it from 9AM to 12PM, somedays will take less other will take more.

I’ll try to post a blog post at 1AM every single day with what I learnt, experience and my mood, and maybe some random thoughts at the end…

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.


Day 1 - 100 days of Japanese