Home Day 3 - 100 days of Japanese

Day 3 - 100 days of Japanese


Particle を

Describes the object that’s affected.

  • コーヒー ()みます。「 i dink coffee 」 the coffee is affected here.

Particle で

Describe place of action, where an event occurred.

  • 図書館(としょかん) (ほん)()んでいます。
  • うち (ひる)(はん)()べます。

Particle に movement.

Describes the goal towards things move., or the time an event takes place.

  • 今日(きょう)学校(がっこう) ()きません。
  • (いえ)  (かえ)ります。

〇 Time

  • 日曜日(にちようび) 京都(きょうと)()きます。

TODAI Article translation

With a dictionary, try to make sense of the article.

Translate this: https://easyjapanese.net/detail/4631b2e43fa985657c5379086caacbb6?hl=en-US.

映画(えいが)「バズ・ライトイヤー」上映(じょうえい)禁止(きんし)相次(あいつ)ぐ…“同性(どうせい)キス”問題(もんだい)()? The movie “Buzz Lightyear” was banned because of a Same-gender kiss.

The main character of the movie “Toy Story”, Buzz Lightyear
On the face of Buzz’s face, a large “prohibited” mark is shown.
This poster was posted, in the UAE (United Arab Emirates)’s Twitter.
Authorities said on the 13th, Announced that the animated film “Buzz Lightyear” is “Violating National Standars”, so it’s announced that the screening will be prohibited.
The reason was not made clear, Reuters report, there is a scene where women kiss eachother and that is a problem for the movie.
According with people familiar to the issue, 14 countries in the Middle East, and Asia prohibited the screening, and many prohibited homosexuality.
This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.

Day 2 - 100 days of Japanese

Day 4 - 100 days of Japanese