Home Day 5 - 100 days of Japanese

Day 5 - 100 days of Japanese

About the lenght of the blog posts

I found the lenght of the blogs lacking, mostly because i have to study in the mornings, then go to work until midnight, then write the blog at midnight so it will be published at around 1AM or 2AM, as you found out didn’t work, mostly because I came home dead tired, so i think it’s better if i write a simple blog daily with as much as i can sum, then on mondays update all blogs with the practices, i have to write everything on my notebook so doing it twice is a pain in the ass, but hey, i’m need to do the challenge so here is the deal.

Somedays i’ll upload the blogpost a bit late but trust me i did study every single day <3

luv. (^_-)-☆


Continuing with lesson 3.

  • Invitations

Basically this word can be translated as, would you, ~ませんか。As you can see at the end there is a so it’s a question.

〇 (ひる)(はん)()べませんか。

Woulnd't you have dinner with me? ('ω') Yep.

〇 テニスをしませんか。

Will you play Tenis with me?

A bit weird but that’s the example.

Some adverbs to keep in mind

全然(ぜんぜん)   never 
(あま)り   not often 
よく  Often 
毎日(まいにち)   every day 
時々(ときどき)  sometimes 

As 時々(ときどき)(あま)り、are negative, you end with ません。

〇 (ぼく)全然(ぜんぜん)テレビを()ません。

I never watch TV.

Again this phrase is a bit weird…

〇 (たけ)さんは(あま)勉強(べんきょう)しません。

Takeshi doesn’t study very much.

Another use of は

You can use it as a question. Simple as that.

〇 (ばん)(はん)は?

What about dinner?

〇 ()べません

Won’t eat it.

TODAI news / Anki

This day didn’t have time to read an article, but did the practice, and did my Anki lessons.

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.

Day 4 - 100 days of Japanese

Day 6 - 100 days of Japanese