Home Day 6 - 100 days of Japanese

Day 6 - 100 days of Japanese

Hellooo, today marks the end of the lesson 3, wich was fairly easy because i knew most of the content, so yeah, besides the huge ammount of words to learn i did it with ease. Let’s keep going (はじ)めましょう~

Starting from now on, i’ll use more and more Japanese and less romaji, so my blog posts will be way more into the language i’m learning.

Genki (だい)4()

(しん)のデート。 110。

We will learn more about:

  • Ask, describe, where things/people are.
  • things happened in the past.
  • habitual actions in the past.

〇 Xがあります/います。

\[\begin{Bmatrix} 〇 あります  =  live\\ 〇 います = non-live\\ \end{Bmatrix} there\;is\;/are.\]

You ALWAYS use A place ALWAYS use

〇 あそこにマクドナルドがあります。

There’s a Mc’Donalds over there.

〇 あります。。

I have (something)… Yes, it’s there…

〇 テレビがあります。

I have a TV

〇 時間(じかん)がありますか?。

Do you have time?

あります。When you want to say and event took place?

〇 火曜日(かようび)にテストがあります。

There will be an exam on tuesday.

〇 明日(あした)日本語(にほんご)のテストがありません。

There will be no Japanese exam tomorrow.

Something to keep in mind, as tomorrow and morning is uses the same expression in Spanish, Manaña, and mañana, 明日(あした) and (あさ), can be confusing, 明日(あした) means the following day, and (あさ), is the part of the day between 00:00 and 12:00. The morning.

The living uses います。

〇 あそこに留学生(りゅうがくせい)がいます。

There’s an international student.

〇 日本人(にっぽんじん)友達(ともだち)がいます。

I have a Japanese friend. This sounds really weird to say KEKW, as the rough translation is a japanese friend exists. or The Japanese Friend exist

The places uses the following formula.

\[Place\;(に) \begin{Bmatrix} 〇 Thing があります\\ 〇 Person がいます\\ \end{Bmatrix} there\;is\;/are.\]
This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.

Day 5 - 100 days of Japanese

Day 7 - 100 days of Japanese