Learnt Particle を Describes the object that’s affected. コーヒー を 飲(の)みます。「 i dink coffee 」 the coffee is affected here. Particle で Describe place of action, where an event occurred. 図書館(とし...
Day 2 - 100 days of Japanese
Learnt Genki Lesson 2 買物(かいもの) We went shopping! When you go shopping you use common words like how much, cheap, pricey, etc, Also you learn words like That, this, where, which… We have sim...
Day 1 - 100 days of Japanese
Resources used https://www.mykikitori.com/lesson-1 https://sethclydesdale.github.io/genki-study-resources/lessons-3rd/#lesson-0 Anki reviews. https://easyjapanese.net/ TODAI App. Learnt ...