Jose's Blog

Day 15 - 100 days of Japanese

Final studying method? I think i managed to keep in check what i can do to keep learning without affecting my ability to update the blog. Use Duolingo on free time, around 15-30 minuts. Watch...

Day 13-14 - 100 days of Japanese

More changes on my schedule Yesterday i talked about my schedule changing, so i need to change a bit more what i can do to keep studying Japanese on my free time. Right now i’m using Duolingo, TOD...

Day 12 - 100 days of Japanese

A change on my studying habits. My schedule is changing a bit so my free time is a bit weird right now, I didn’t have a chance to study today like the rest of the days, because i had free time on r...

Day 10-11 - 100 days of Japanese

Exercises After reviewing the last 4 lessons i did the exercises. https://sethclydesdale.github.io This website has exercises of every lesson on Genki, so i did those.

Day 9 - 100 days of Japanese

Review Time! I took this day to review everything i did, so i got almost nothing to write here… Did review the lessons, and did Anki.

Day 8 - 100 days of Japanese

おはよう~ 勉強うはどうですか?良いのか悪いのか?僕は毎日たくさんを勉強していますよ、毎の朝が二~三時間を。。。 練習は始めましょう! 第五課です。 ① いー副詞 「ふくし」 ② なー副詞 Present → Negative 楽しい(です)→ 楽しくない 元気(です)→ 元気じゃない add negative of です 会話。...

Day 7 - 100 days of Japanese

Helloooo, this blog post will be full of examples of diferent kind, of the past 6 days. 始(はじ)めましょう! The practice is in the same order as the book. 第(だい)1課(か)練習(れんしゅう)。● 新(あたら)しいの友達(ともだち)。 メアリー...

Day 6 - 100 days of Japanese

Hellooo, today marks the end of the lesson 3, wich was fairly easy because i knew most of the content, so yeah, besides the huge ammount of words to learn i did it with ease. Let’s keep going 始(はじ)...

Day 5 - 100 days of Japanese

About the lenght of the blog posts I found the lenght of the blogs lacking, mostly because i have to study in the mornings, then go to work until midnight, then write the blog at midnight so it wil...

Day 4 - 100 days of Japanese

Learnt Time に is used for days, like Sunday, Monday… also is used for numerical time like, 2pm, 11:45AM, etc, and the months like September, January, etc… 日曜日(にちようび)に行(い)きます。 十(じゅう)時(じ)四(よん...